by | Jan 20, 2019 | Daily Devotion | 1 comment

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Matthew 16:24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.


     I was 23 when I had my first child.  I felt a little overwhelmed as they placed him in my arms and wheeled me out of the hospital to my car.  I suddenly realized that this baby was my responsibility. I quickly learned the meaning of self-sacrifice. He didn’t sleep much. He required a lot of attention, and was reported as being the most demanding baby out of 72 babies in the hospital nursery.  Quiet walks, hot baths, and time just for me were gone. My baby’s very existence depended upon me denying my comforts to meet his needs.  I served him willingly because I cared deeply for him. He was God’s gift to my husband and me.

     When I entered the classroom, I was determined to be in charge.  Things would be done the way I wanted them done.  One of my coworkers, knowing that I was a new teacher, told me what worked best for her was to be flexible.  She explained that unexpected things would happen, and flexibility would be the key to getting past the rough spots.  My retort to her was, “Well, one thing I am not is flexible.”

     Guess what, she was right.  Part of carrying my cross was to put aside my perfectionist attitude, my in charge approach, and my unbending schedule to serve the needs of my students.  I gradually learned that it was not about me and my lesson plans as much as it was about the students and their success. I eventually realized that my students’ success was my success and my students’ failure was partly my failure.  The more I owned the responsibility to see them succeed, the more I became willing to walk the extra mile with those that required it.  God called me to help all of my students achieve, not just 80%.

     I encourage you to discover what your personal cross is that God is asking you to bear.  When you do, submit yourself to God, pick up your cross, and carry it with grace and love.  Remember, when we cast our cares on Jesus, his burden will be light.  You can find peace and contentment when you choose to accept your “personally assigned” cross.  Remember, you never walk alone.

Dear God, Give me the courage to pick up my cross and follow you.  Teach me flexibility and gentleness as I deal with all of my students.  

1 Comment

  1. Andrea Lomax

    Thank you so much for sharing these inspirational tidbits for teachers!! May God truly bless you 🙂