by | Jan 27, 2019 | Daily Devotion |

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash


Proverbs 29:2 When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan. 

     The teacher determines the classroom climate. If your class is unhappy and full of strife, the first place you must check for error is in yourself.  If you lead with wisdom, your students will rejoice that you are their teacher, but if you are unjust, moody, or fail to show the love of Christ daily, your students will not enjoy your class. 
Inconsistent discipline and a lack of routine in the classroom can create discipline issues.  Children follow better when the rules are clear, concise and consistently enforced.  Mood swings confuse students.   

     Smile.  Be personable.  Be interesting.  Have some excitement about your lesson.  Be professional.  All of these traits will help create a positive atmosphere.  Students do not need you to be their second mom or big brother or best friend.  What they want and need is a leader—a teacher who can connect new information to what they already know, to make the lesson relevant to their lives, and to offer a safe place to study and learn where they don’t have to fear being bullied or embarrassed.

Dear God, Give me the grace to evaluate my leadership style and classroom behavior.  Help me to see the truth about my shortcomings and my wrong attitudes.  Give me the courage to change the areas that are out of order.  May I always walk in submission to your will.