by | Feb 10, 2019 | Daily Devotion |

Psalms 91:4 He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. 




Psalms 91:4 He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. 

   English class began with the quick pop-up drill I commonly use before tests.  Sitting near the front row, a young junior high girl jumped up to answer the question.  When she got out of her seat, her half-slip fell around her feet.  She instantly squatted to the floor concealing her slip with her skirt.  Her eyes were wide with horror.  She looked at me and silently cried, “Help!” with her eyes. 

   As I looked around, I realized that very few students saw what happened.  “Class,” I  instructed.  “Would everyone please close your eyes and put your head on your desk.  Don’t look around and don’t ask any questions, please.”  Immediately the puzzled students did as I asked.  After all eyes were closed, I nodded silently to the girl indicating with hand motions that she could step out of her slip and take it with her to the restroom.  She left the room, and I invited the class to return to the drill.  A few minutes later, she returned to the classroom restored and ready to participate in class.  We never discussed this event.

   Although this illustration initially seemed rather comical, I did not laugh during the ordeal.  Instead, I felt a need to “cover” my student with loving guidance and direction.  I knew she needed a refuge.  For her, this was a major difficulty.  It was not funny.  It was embarrassing.  The gratefulness in her eyes and the hug she gave me later let me know I responded correctly. 

   This story touches my heart because it reminds me of times when I was embarrassed or felt ashamed. God was always there to offer me a place to run. He became my place of security.  He gave me the courage to lick my wounds, to get up and to start again. 

   Work toward making your classroom a place of safety.  Be prepared to offer a place of refuge for students who need to escape embarrassment or shame.  Let the love of God flow through your actions as you determine to help the student caught in a trap.

Dear God, Thank you for the many times you brought me through embarrassment and shame.  Make me sensitive to my students’ needs and allow me to be faithful in shielding them when they need a place of refuge.