by | Mar 17, 2019 | Daily Devotion |

Photo by Chris Sabor on Unsplash

Job 34:32  Teach me what I cannot see; if I have done wrong, I will not do so again.




Job 34:32  Teach me what I cannot see; if I have done wrong, I will not do so again.


       One day my husband discovered that our boys had opened two boxes of Corn Flakes. To save cabinet space, he began to combine the two boxes. My youngest son saw what he was doing and asked, “Dad, are you looking for the prize?” My husband chuckled and realized that he and my son could be doing the very same action and have two completely different reasons for doing it. You cannot always know the motives of the heart by a person’s actions or words.


            It is easy to misjudge one another, and have disagreements that create conflict. When dealing with conflict, we need to seek to understand the other person’s perspective. Understanding motives may clear the offense painlessly. We all have blind spots. We may be unaware of our errors in a disagreement. Allow the offended student, parent, or teacher to explain their perspective of the situation. Misunderstandings are common. Talking through the problem together can calm storms. Apologize for anything you said that caused offense or anger–even if only 1% wrong. Explain your intent if your words were misinterpreted. Be honest and own up to anything you said or did that was less than unkind or tactless. Apologize for any offensive tone or attitude. This can be done without backing down from the message that needed to be sent. When possible, be at peace with all men.             


Dear God, Teach me to use your truth and your love to pull down every stronghold that tries to destroy relationships within my school, my home, and my church. Help me to recognize the battle within my own mind, and give me the courage to reject the thoughts that seek to destroy. Give me a humble and contrite spirit as I deal with conflict.