by | Jun 2, 2019 | Daily Devotion |

Proverbs 18:16 A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great.







Proverbs 18:16 A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great.

God gives gifts or talents to each person. These God given abilities are developed and discovered as we mature. Some gifts are never opened. An unopened gift that sits on a shelf is either a package of expectation or a waste of something valuable. Until someone opens the gift and uses it, it is merely a shell of what might be or could have been. An unused gift is unused potential and cannot accomplish what God sent it to do.   

Why would someone leave a gift unopened, unused, or undiscovered? Perhaps the fear of failure or fear of men causes us to shy away from new experiences. Neglect or procrastination can also produce a stale or undeveloped talent. Laziness or self-protection can stifle potential. Or, even a lack of awareness of its existence could be the cause. No matter which applies to us, we can push past our fears and insecurities and open all our “packages” of potential. We should try new things and take classes in areas we have never studied before. We will continue to develop as individuals only when we remain teachable and flexible. Different experiences, good or bad, can be opportunities to learn and grow if we determine to discover more about ourselves.

                Comparison is a common pitfall that stunts the growth of our talents. Gifts are unique to each individual; they are our personal monograms stamped by God in our original design. Each unique talent adds variety and richness to our world. Comparison is always a trap. If we compare our weaknesses to another’s strengths, we feel diminished. If we compare our strengths to another’s weakness, we become proud. Proverbs 16:18 says, Pride goes before a fall. And, if we compare our strengths to other’s strengths, we become critical and judgmental. 

                As you develop your interests, your greatest talents will become evident. These talents will then bring you to a position of influence for the Kingdom of God. Do not hide your talents! Let your light shine for Jesus. Seek to remain a student and learn from those around you. Be all you can be.

Dear God, Are there undiscovered gifts and talents in me? If so, I commit myself to discover them.  Lead me to them and give me the courage to try new things.