by | Aug 25, 2019 | Daily Devotion |

Photo by Anna Earl on Unsplash

2 Corinthians 8:7 But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you—see that you also excel in this grace of giving.




2 Corinthians 8:7 But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you—see that you also excel in this grace of giving.

Do you ever feel that you are carrying the biggest load at school?  Or that the other teachers or parents are not doing their part?  Do you ever resent having to do the little things that others thoughtlessly leave undone?  Have you considered refusing to do your part because others don’t seem to do theirs?


                One day, when I became frustrated with all the menial tasks I was being asked to do, I made the statement “I’m nothing more than a servant around here!”  A Christian man who was walking through the building heard me and stopped to say, “What’s wrong with being a servant?  Aren’t we supposed to be? Jesus was.” I ducked my head, smiled and continued with my tasks knowing he had spoken the truth.  God offers us the grace to give whether it is time, money, energy, friendship, or love. If we are willing to accept the position of service, God will give us His grace to do what we’re asked to do.


                In Luke 17:7-9 Jesus explained that a servant should not expect to be thanked for doing his duty.  Why was I becoming so angry in my “serving”?  The answer jumped out at me–RIGHTS!  I was holding on to my rights!  I felt others were not doing their part!  I had a right to have help.  I had a right to expect others to do their part.  A servant has no rights; he has responsibilities!  I was guilty of “stinking thinking.”  As I submitted to God, asking him to show me His truth, I admitted the following:


  1. I am 100% responsible for my attitude.
  2. I only have control over my actions and attitude–no one else’s attitude.
  3. I can only change me.
  4. My unfulfilled expectations of coworkers created anger in me.  I was miserable.
  5. I could choose to serve them and have no expectations of them.
  6. I can be truly grateful should my coworkers pitch in to help. Since I have no expectations of them, I am free to say thank you instead of “It’s about time.”
  7. I have the responsibility to train my students to serve and carry their part, but, as a teacher, I have no position to hold my coworkers accountable for their performance.
  8. My service is before God; I am not to stop doing my duty because other coworkers are being irresponsible.
  9. I am not to become proud because I am doing MY PART.
  10. I will not die from doing more than my share, and I can choose to do more than my part when needed.
  11. I can show my commitment and love for Jesus Christ by going the second mile.
  12. Service is an act of love.


People enjoy serving with someone who has a grateful attitude.  We can be grateful to God for all He has given and all he has taught us. God offers the grace of giving to anyone who is willing to receive it.


Dear God, Gratitude is the key. Give me a servant’s heart and restore to me the joy of giving.  Make me like you, Lord–a servant!