by | Dec 8, 2019 | Daily Devotion | 1 comment

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Ephesians 5:29: Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.




Ephesians 5:29: Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Teachers and students eagerly anticipate holidays and spring and summer breaks. For teachers, it is often a time for tight schedules, finishing up a term, planning and purchasing gifts, and sometimes getting ready for out of town guests.  Stress can become more prominent in our lives than the joy of the school holiday.   Stress can cause us to say things we later wished we hadn’t said.  Being rushed and pressured with deadlines can bring out the worst in anyone.  Teachers are no exception. 

We cannot afford the luxury of breaking down the invaluable “bridges” of communication and relationships we have worked so hard to build throughout the semester.  To avoid conflict during this time, take time to list the things you have to do in three categories—PRIORITY (Must do now), NEED TO DO (Get done by this date), and NICE TO DO (Would really like to do this).  Take each item and place a date beside it indicating when you should have it accomplished.  (Make your plan (be reasonable); then work the plan.) Be sure to include any parties, meetings or obligations you may have. Decide if some of the “Nice to do” things can be postponed until the stress of the break comes to an end. Be realistic and avoid perfectionism.

Having the plan will help you to know, in reality, how far behind” or how “caught up” you are.  You may even be able to get ahead of your schedule and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment.  We often stress over things that seem bigger than they really are.  Teachers know about planning.  You understand the need to establish a short-term plan and a longer term plan.  Use those skills to help you through deadlines that school breaks require. 

Commit to speaking words of life even when you are under stress.  Speak them to your coworkers, your students, your family and your friends.  Speak words that will benefit those who hear them.  Bless and don’t curse.  As you do, you will experience the joy of each season. 

Dear God, Give me the wisdom and the grace to handle the pressures of the next few weeks.  Enable me to speak kind and caring words to those I serve.  Help me to establish a workable plan.  Multiply my time to enable me to accomplish those many things required during this month.  Thank you for supporting me through this time of year.





1 Comment

  1. Silvia

    Thank you for your devotion, it was exactly what I needed.