by | Jun 20, 2020 | Daily Devotion |

Proverbs 28:2 When a country is rebellious, it has many rulers, but a ruler with discernment and knowledge maintains order.






 Proverbs 28:2 When a country is rebellious, it has many rulers, but a ruler with discernment and knowledge maintains order. 

                My first nine weeks as a classroom teacher seemed successful, but I wanted to do better.  I decided to ask my junior high students to evaluate me.  I said, “Take out a piece of paper and list three things you would change about my classroom if you were the teacher.  Don’t worry about what you write; I won’t get upset with you.  Please be honest.” 

                Well, they were honest, and I was surprised at what they had to say.  I received a total of forty-eight responses and forty-five responses said, “Make us be quiet so we can learn.”  I did not realize that my classroom was noisy.  In fact, I was so busy “teaching” that I ignored most of what was happening in the classroom.  I discovered that students were passing notes and talking throughout my entire lesson.  I knew I had to make some changes, and I did.  After I re-established the rules, I discovered the sound of a quiet classroom.  I even became skilled at hearing noise.

                This experience taught me that students care about order.  They are uncomfortable with chaos, and they know they are not learning well when they goof off.  The unexpected irony of their response was that the students who tested the boundaries were the students who put this suggestion as number one on their list.  They wanted control.  They needed discipline.  

                 Students learn best in an orderly, structured setting.  Order and structure does not necessarily mean total silence, but it does mean that the teacher is always in control. Ignoring rowdiness can cause misbehavior.  The ADHD child, who often over reacts, is especially vulnerable in an unstructured, chaotic classroom.               Apologize to your class for not being in control. Review classroom policies and begin to enforce the rules.  You will accomplish more and have greater peace in your classroom. 

Dear God, Help me to be consistent in my classroom discipline.  Show me my weaknesses in this area and help me to produce the order and control that my students not only need but subconsciously want. Give me the courage to apologize and start again.